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Emany Desinor

Name: Emany Desinor

Hometown: Palm Coast, Florida

Undergraduate school and program: Florida State University (FSU) – Bachelor's in Communication Science and Disorders

Desired graduate schools and program: Florida State University (FSU), University of Central Florida, Jacksonville University, Florida Atlantic University, University of Georgia, Howard University, Hampton University - Master’s in Speech-Language Pathology

Expected graduation year: 2022

How did you come to learn about speech-language pathology?

Actually, my sister, who's a social worker, had a friend who was a speech-language pathologist. She expressed that it's a field with great need and she thought it would be a great opportunity for me because I didn't know what I wanted to do coming out of high school. I did do dual enrollment, so I kind of needed to know what I wanted. So, I majored in sociology, and I completed my sociology major my first two years, well technically my junior and senior year [of high school]. Then I applied to the speech pathology program my sophomore year [2nd year of dual enrollment] at the university, Spring 2020, and I got accepted.

Why do you believe that this field of speech-language pathology is for you?

I get to help people, and I feel like this program offers me the opportunity to do something that I like while I'm also helping someone. It's challenging me. It's something that I didn't know about, so I'm taking risk with it every day. Every time I'm doing something I'm learning something new. So I feel like this is why it is a great program for me to join or be interested in.

In school, in your Communication Science and Disorders program what was something that you found you had to adjust to or something that you may still be adjusting to?

Well, something that I've had to adjust to is being the only Black person in most of my classes. There are only two Black women in our major. The other woman has the Tuesday/Thursday classes, and I have the Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes, so we don't get to see each other. But we communicate sometimes through text message. That's what we have to adjust to as well as being in such a small program without seeing each other so much our first year (or junior year of high school). It's kind of hard forming those relationships, but it's becoming easier now that we're having a lot more group work. I’ve just kind of had to get acclimated with my classmates throughout group work.

There were a lot of Black athletes in my sociology major and then a lot of Black women as well. So, it was really different going to being the only person [of color]. I understand I did go to a predominantly white institution, so I shouldn't be shocked. But it's really shocking at first because our program is mostly white people.

I do have this Black professor, so I really love that. She's teaching my Developmental Communication Disorders class, and that's my favorite class, although it's at 8:00 AM. I love it. Shout out to Dr. Johnson.

In your program what is something that you love or you're good at?

Something that I started realizing that I really like learning about is aural rehabilitation. I actually really like audiology. I didn't think I was going to like learning about audiology as much. That's a shocker because you know when people are SLP [track], audiology classes tend to be super drag, boring. A lot of my classmates hate learning about hearing aids sometimes. Even though I do want to follow the SLP track, I do enjoy learning about audiology as well. I don't like acoustics; however, I did like Intro to Audiology. I loved reading audiograms and doing all the sloping, rising, like doing all the levels and stuff like that.

What's something that you enjoy doing outside of school?

Well, I was super involved in my undergrad year with Student Government Association, Woman Student Union, and Big Sister Little Sister, Inc., so being involved with my extracurriculars. I know it's still in the school realm, but I think being a student leader on campus is something that I've enjoyed doing outside of academics. I also like to do adult coloring books.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years, I would hopefully have graduated from grad school, have my own place like a one-room apartment—I don’t want to do roommates anymore—and be working at a clinic. I don't know what city, though. I see myself working with children until I start having them. When I do, I will say “bye, bye children” and go work with adults.

What advice do you have for others considering going into the speech field, but either they're doubtful about going into it or they're having difficulty entering it?

One piece of advice I would give is take the Intro to Communication Science and Disorders class as early as possible. I took it my freshman year, first semester, while I was seeking sociology classes just to see if I really liked the field and if it was for me or figure out if I liked it more or less than sociology. Taking that class early is better than waiting to take it during the time when you would be going into the major. Also do your research on what type of people you like to work around. Do you actually like to communicate and talk to people, or do you like to work with people from a distance? Finally, just have confidence within yourself because if you're not confident in yourself, then no one else will have it for you more than you. 

Connect with Emany on Instagram!

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For Other Prizes Consulting * Birmingham, AL * 205-538-3259
Hours: Fri. and Sat. 9 am-5:30 pm

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